Choose and plan your trip
How to get ideas
- Your own interests
- Other Rovers, their experiences and interests
- Trip Archives on the Minnesota Rovers web site
- “Links” page on Minnesota Rovers website (regional, state, and national parks and forests; skiing areas, bike areas, etc.).
What and where
- Day trip – local, day or evening
- Weekend or long Weekend – local, close to metro Area, or out-state
- Extended or longer distance
What kind of trip
- Interest, sport or activity, conservation-oriented, educational, volunteer?
- Level of physical effort: easy, moderate, rugged, extreme
- Level of experience: beginner, intermediate, advanced
- Cost: free, low cost, luxurious, deposit needed?
- Convenient for you
- Convenient for others
- Site restrictions?
- Any specialized gear required
- Group gear, and individual gear
- Need to borrow from the club?
- Encourage carpooling
- Send out a listing of participants and they can arrange carpooling
Food and Meals
- Group meals
- Individual meals
- Catered
- Coordinate with someone!
- Someone who can help you with registration or logistics
- Can help answering questions
Promote your trip
- Post to the Web
- Announce at Weekly Meetings – during Trip Section
- Talk to fellow Rovers
- Send an announcement to eGroup
Sign people up for your trip
SUGGESTION: Having people call you, or see you at a Rover meeting, increases commitment and can be more efficient for getting people signed up, than using email.
- Overnight trips – must be an active, paid Rover member
- Get Deposit
- Call/e-mail back all interested parties
- Let people know what is expected of them
- Use our Trip Coordinator Organization and Planning Tools!
Planning and preparing for your trip
Day trips may be as simple as letting people know when, where to meet
Weekend and extended trips
- Have group get-togethers ahead of time for planning gear, transportation, food
- Delegate and enlist your group to participate in the planning and prep
- Email is effective here for: new developments, packing lists, maps, coordinating gear/vehicles
Go on your trip
- Have fun!
- Coordinator guides the group, is the key decision-maker
- Be open and flexible with challenges, see opportunities
- Safety – bring a first aid kit, have a map/compass etc.
After your trip
- Settle up any costs
- Report back at next Rover meeting and/or send “trip report” to eGroup
- Return any Rover gear to Cage at next Rover meeting
- Post photos, videos or recaps and send a link to [email protected] to be posted on “Photos, Articles” tab of website
- Group get together/photo exchange