What kinds of trips and activities does the club offer?
At Minnesota Rovers, our members organize a variety of trips for all levels throughout the year. Be sure to check out our Trips page to see upcoming activities, and our Trips Archive for activities that have been organized in the past. This archive can also inspire you to plan your own outings. Can’t find you’re looking for? Don't hesitate to take the initiative and coordinate your own trip. Additionally, members can post on our e-group to gauge interest in the type of outing you’d like to do. At our club, everyone has the opportunity to shape their outdoor experiences.
How do I sign up for a trip?
At a meeting: If you find out about a trip while attending a meeting, seek out the coordinator and talk to them about their trip. Ask questions and get any details you need. If you are sure you want to go, give them a deposit and your contact information. If the coordinator is not at the meeting, you can get their contact information from the trips and activities page and you can then call or e-mail the coordinator to get more details and mail your deposit.
Using the website: Another way to sign up for a trip is to go on the trips and activities page and look at the list of upcoming activities. The coordinator’s name and contact information will be listed below the trip details. Contact the coordinator for more details and how to sign up.
It is very important to remember that you are not guaranteed a spot on a trip unless you have an active Minnesota Rovers membership and until you pay a deposit to the trip coordinator.
Note: Most day trips do not require you to sign up. For example, a coordinator of a day hike or bike ride often expects people to just show up. It is always a good idea to send a courtesy e-mail to let them know you plan to be there or to cancel if your plans change, so they know to look out for you.
I tried to sign up for a trip but I was told it was full. What should I do?
The trips fill up on a first-come basis and a deposit is required to guarantee your spot on a trip. When you see a trip you like contact the trip coordinator and make sure you get a deposit to them as soon as possible.
If you find out the trip is full and you are a “new Rover” (recently joined Rovers for the first time) check to see if there are any spots reserved for new Rovers. Also ask if there is a wait list for the trip. Sometimes people will have to cancel and others will be needed to fill their place.
What should I bring on a trip?
The trip coordinator would be able to answer this question for you. Usually the coordinator will communicate via e-mail with details of the trip. Often there is information pertinent to the trip provided on the website for your convenience. Also check the Trip Planning page for sample packing lists, tips on gear etc.
Where can I find proper gear for a trip?
The Minnesota Rovers maintain a storage locker in St. Paul called the cage. This storage locker is stocked with all types of gear that members may check out to use for any Minnesota Rover trips they are going on. There are two members responsible for managing the check-in/check-out process at the cage. See the Equipment page for the current Equipment Coordinators.
Usually, if someone needs to borrow something from the cage, they can arrange with a cage person to pick it up at one of the Tuesday meetings.
This is a great way to try different equipment without having to make a huge investment in gear right away. Please see the Membership page for more details.
May I bring children on a trip?
To officially be a member of the club, one must be 18 years of age or older, but children are welcome to come along on activities if it’s okay with the trip coordinator. Additionally, children must be under the supervision of the adult trip participant who has agreed to be responsible for them on the trip.
Rovers trips mainly consist of adults, but there are often family-friendly trips as well. Check the activities page for trips that say family friendly, children welcome, or something similar in the description. If you see an activity that does not have such wording, feel free to check with the trip coordinator to see how they feel about it.
One of the greatest aspects of our club is that any member can coordinate a trip, so the more family trips we have, the more families that will have the opportunity to get out and play outside! So in other words, if you want more family-friendly activities, join the club and start coordinating your own to get the ball rolling!
How do I coordinate my own trip?
Oooh, we’re glad you asked! The club wouldn’t exist without our trip coordinators — anyone can coordinate a trip. You might want to get a feel for the interest level within the club for the type of trip you are considering coordinating. Then it would be your responsibility to do some preliminary planning and organizing of the details of the trip. Next, submit your trip to be posted on the website — be sure to include all pertinent information in the trip description so people know what they are signing up for. You are encouraged to come to the Tuesday meeting to talk about your trip and to be available to answer any questions.
Within Minnesota Rovers, there is a huge knowledge base you can tap into…all you have to do is ASK. There are many seasoned Minnesota Rovers that are always willing to help with the logistics of virtually any trip. If you can’t make it to a meeting to network, try utilizing the Rovers e-group to post a message and someone will steer you in the right direction.
How do I know if my trip participants are active members?
You can view a list of current members and their expiration date on the Member List page. Current members will find a link to it on their My Membership page. For your convenience, the list is searchable by name! The list is updated automatically when someone signs up or renews online; however, there may be some lag time if a member signs up or renews in person or by mailing a check. In that case, please contact a membership director for verification or questions.