- Estimated Cost: $60
- Deposit: $60
- Max Trip Size: 9 people
Thursday evening (12th) the crew will drive up to Heston’s Lodge on Gunflint Lake and stay overnight in cabins. Friday the crew will hike in to the BRT on the Crab Lake Spur trail and clear west to the western BWCAW boundary and return to Heston’s Lodge. Trail clearing will continue on Saturday. Then return home on Sunday. Tax deductible trip fee of $60 includes carpool transportation and food, with the exception of meals on the drive up and back.
Trail clearing will cover the northern ½ mile of the Crab Lake Spur trail where there are several step over trees and some brush. The BRT from the Crab Lake Spur Trail junction to the western BWCAW boundary (about 1 mile) has a small number of step over trees and some heavy brush in the ¼ mile going east on the BRT from the Crab Lake Cutoff trail junction.
You do not have to be a Rovers member to be on this overnight trip. Sign up soon!