Trip Policy:
- We are adventurers in common. Trip coordinators are not compensated. All participants share the cost equally.
- To be an official trip, it must be posted on the Minnesota Rovers website.
- Membership is required to coordinate and co-coordinate a trip.
- Membership is required to go on overnight trips, except Extravaganza and Border Route Trail work trips. Trip coordinators are required to verify current membership of their trip participants by logging into the Minnesota Rovers website and checking the membership list.
- All participants on official Minnesota Rovers trips must sign a liability waiver. Members are covered by the liability waiver signed when becoming a member. Non-members are required to sign a trip-specific waiver. Trip coordinators are required to turn in the signed waivers for non-members to the Trips Director for all that are non-electronic.
- Exception to membership rule: Minors (under 18 years of age), who by rule cannot be members, may be allowed to go on trips with the consent of the trip coordinator. The minor must be under the supervision of the adult trip participant who has agreed to be responsible for the minor on the trip. A parent or legal guardian of the minor must sign a trip-specific waiver and submit it to the trip coordinator prior to the trip.
- Social activities, such as parties, movies, and concerts, may be promoted on the Minnesota Rovers members-only e-group. Social activities may not be posted on the Minnesota Rovers website and are not considered Minnesota Rovers activities. All liabilities for these are solely the responsibility of the organizers and participants.
- Trip coordinators connected with both Rovers and another organization wishing to cross-list a trip with both organizations must have approval of the Trips Director. To be approved:
- Organizations must have values consistent with our mission statement.
- Cross-listed trips must comply with all applicable Rover policies; and
- The cross-listing must be indicated in all written and verbal announcements.
- The Board has the authority to reject any trip or trip coordinator it deems unsuitable.
- It is the responsibility of the trip coordinators and participants to discover and share information related to each other’s experience and capabilities regarding trip-related activities and responsibilities.
- Minnesota Rovers members should not publicly post participants’ personally identifiable information (email address, phone number, etc.).
- Trip coordinator may not refuse participation to anyone on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
- Trip deposits are not intended to be refunded (but coordinator may elect to do so). Trip surplus food or supplies are divided up after trip or bought back by purchaser.
- Minnesota Rovers will not finance or loan money for trip reservations or other purposes.
- Automobile mileage reimbursement and wear and tear are at the discretion of the driver(s) and decided and agreed upon by all participants at the beginning of the trip. A recommendation would be $0.10 per mile plus fuel costs for vehicle owner, who pays his/her share of same.
- Prospective trip participants are responsible for contacting trip coordinator. All trip participants are responsible for determining equipment needs and participation in trip planning & ongoing tasks. If a participant must cancel/drop out, participant should provide ample notice to trip coordinator.
- On all Minnesota Rovers trips, the trip coordinator shall strongly recommend all participants use applicable safety equipment. If a trip coordinator desires, they may require — rather than recommend — that trip participants use applicable safety equipment.
- Participants of any trip have the option of wearing a mask and should be treated respectfully if they choose to do so.
(Rev. June 2023)
Trip Waiver
Online Waiver Form
Each day trip has a form at the bottom of the trip description page. Participants who are not already members should submit the form online and a copy will be sent to the trip coordinator. Overnight trips are for members only. Members sign a waiver when they pay for their membership and renewal.