Come enjoy some sand volleyball and a BBQ at Lake Calhoun with the Minnesota Rovers! This is an event intended for folks under 45 to introduce the younger crowd to the club and help them become a more integral and active part of the whole Rovers community. Invite your friends to come hang out with other Rovers and learn about the awesome things we do. Both member and non-members are welcome to come! So please, invite your friends!
We will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the south side of Lake Calhoun where the sand volleyball courts are. They are first come, first serve so I don’t know which one we will be at yet. If you don’t play sand volleyball, not a problem, feel free to just come and eat! I assume it will be hot out so there will most likely be swimming afterwards! We will also be grilling so bring your own meat and a side to share. If you last name starts with A-E bring salad, F-L veggie or fruit, M-R chips, S-Z dessert. Please RSVP so I know who to expect!
Estimated cost: $0
Amy C.