Come make a difference in restoring native prairie in the metro area. We will help remove invasive species and perform other restoration tasks. All guidance, tools, and gloves will be provided by Friends of the Mississippi. Please register for this event with Cheryl or Cathy and the Friends of the Mississippi.
Register with Sue Rich at Friends of the Mississippi on their website. There is a link on this site that will also show the type of work that will be done. Directions will be emailed to people.
Crosby Farm regional Park is on the east bank of the Mississippi River at the intersection of Shepard Road and HWY 5 aka West 7th Street. There is a small entrance sign at Crosby Farm road (yes, Crosby Farm Road, NOT Crosy Lake road). Take Crosby Farm Road as far as you can–past the marina and its lot, past the picnic pavillion and its lot–and park in the lot at the road’s terminus.
Estimated cost: $0. Max trip size: Unlimited as long as meet deadline. 6 spots reserved.
Sponsoring organization: Friends of the Mississippi
Cheryl B.& Cathy H.Trip report