Please join me for a 3-4 mile evening hike on natural trails at Hyland Lake Park Reserve in Bloomington. We will head into the park and walk on trails near the ski jump and Richardson Nature Center. There will be an optional steep stair climb for those who want it.
Please bring a headlamp or flashlight because it may be dark toward the end of the hike.
Pay close attention to this meeting point: The large parking lot at the west end of Lake Normandale on Chalet Rd LOCATED HERE. We will meet at the southern end of the parking lot (farthest from I-494). Please be on time. Unfortunately, we cannot wait for latecomers since daylight is limited. However, if you are late, please call me and I can tell you where to meet up with us.
A limited number of well-behaved dogs are welcome. Please get in touch with me if you plan to bring a dog.
Non-Rovers are welcome! Please submit the online liability waiver below.
Send me an email or text if you plan to come. I hope to see you there!