- Max Trip Size: 99 people
Plan your backpacking clothing well and you’ll be ready for anything nature throws at you — heat, cold, rain, and bugs. Learn what fabrics work best, how much to pack, how to layer, and how to NOT spend a fortune. (This is a repeat of the April 20 session.)
Meeting is via Zoom. If you are already enrolled in the Beginner Backpacking program, the Zoom link will be sent a few days ahead of the meeting.
If you would like to register as a new participant in Beginner Backpacking, send your name, email address, and phone number to beginnerbackpacking@mnrovers.org. You’ll receive a reply confirming your registration.
Thanks for your interest in the 2023 Minnesota Rovers beginner backpacking program! If you’ve wanted to go on Rovers backpacking trips but didn’t know where to start, then this program is for you!
Our four-part program is comprised of a progressive series of trainings designed to get you on the trail.
- Six educational sessions over Zoom designed to teach you all the basics of backpacking: (general backpacking skills; back country basics; choosing, fitting & packing backpacks; shelters & sleep systems, backpacking clothing systems; cooking/stove/nutrition).
- Day training hikes to teach you how to hike with a backpack.
- Overnight training trips to nearby state parks where you can try out your new skills. Groups will be small to maximize your learning!
- Two-night training trips to practice moving camp and further hone your new skills.
Beginner backpacking events and outings for the year will be posted throughout Spring of 2023.
Program Prerequisites:
- Rovers membership required for all parts of this program (including training, day trips and overnight events). Signup here: https://mnrovers.org/sign-up/
- Previous car camping experience required.
- Must be capable of day hiking up to 5 miles. (You’ll learn how to hike with a pack in this program!)
- Overnight trips: Must complete all 6 educational sessions and at least one day training hike.
~ Participating in this program is not a requirement to join other MN Rovers activities or trips (only those coordinated by the Beginner Backpacking program).
~ Virtual attendance at the Zoom education sessions is required in order to participate in the day hikes and overnight trips (recordings are not available).
~ For those who started the program in a prior year but didn’t finish, your attendance carries over! You can pick up where you left off and complete the program.
Questions? Contact us at beginnerbackpacking@mnrovers.org