Thu, 10:00am - 12:30pmApr 282022
- Estimated Cost: $7
- Max Trip Size: 15 people
There will be a weekday Hike at William O’Brien State Park on Thursday, Apr 28 from 10 AM to 1230 PM.
We will meet near the entrance at the interpretive center/visitor’s center, just inside the park. You must have a daily or an annual sticker, which can be purchased on-line or at the park kiosk. (Daily permit is $7). Park is located at 16821 O’Brien Trail North.
Dress appropriately and bring a lunch if you choose. We plan to socialize afterwards, as there are picnic tables in different areas of the park, or inside the interpretive center if weather dictates.
There are flush toilets and running water available.
Below are websites of the park and of the map. We plan to hike along Lake Alice and then other areas for a total of 4-5 miles.
Non-Members, please sign the on-line waiver.
Direct your questions to LaRayne or Tim