- Max Trip Size: 9 people
Let’s snowshoe before the snow melts. Come join us at the Dodge Nature Center – Lily Property (not the main property). We will go off trail into areas that include woods, wetlands and prairie. We will be out for 1-1.5 hours.
If you are a Rover member you can borrow snowshoes from the equipment locker, though there may not be enough time now. https://mnrovers.org/sign-up/equipment/.
The location is by the Mendota Heights United Church of Christ at 680 Highway 62 (old Hwy. 110), Mendota Heights, on the south side of Highway 62 between Dodd Rd. and Delaware Ave. Google map location here.
- Non-Rover members should sign online liability waiver below.
- New Rover members welcome.
- Dogs are not allowed, only “ADA-recognized service animals are welcome.”
- It could be snowy and icy so cleats could be necessary.
- Please arrive on time so people are not waiting in the cold.
Please email us if you plan on attending so I can look out for you, or if you have any questions.