- Estimated Cost: $8
- Max Trip Size: 8 people
Day trip to the National Eagle Center in Wabasha to view a live bird program as part of their annual Soar with the Eagles events. We will meet in the Newport/Cottage Grove area for carpooling at 9:30 AM. We’ll hike Barn Bluff and do lunch at Liberty’s in Red Wing. Then we’ll head to Wabasha to see a live raptor program at the National Eagle Center starting at 2:30 PM. The program is put on by the World Bird Sanctuary which is based in Missouri. The demonstration should include a Swainson’s Hawk, Eurasian Eagle Owl, and Wedge-Tailed Eagle. Cost: $8 admission fee, plus fuel and lunch. More details about the program at: http://www.nationaleaglecenter.org/soar-2016-march-12-13/. I estimate we’ll get back around 5 p.m. depending on if we stop for ice cream on the way home.