Mille Lacs Kathio State Park- Snowshoeing into the Past
Saturday, March 2, 1:00-3:00pm
Event details from the website:
After an indoor look at some ancient artifacts, archaeologists will lead us on a snowshoe trek to locations where they discovered evidence of a village from the 1600s and a “campsite” dating to over 3,000 years ago. Snowshoes and basic snowshoeing instructions are provided. Registration is required and limited. To register, call 320-532-3269 and leave your name, phone number and number of people attending. Meet at the Interpretive Center.
You will need to call and register on your own for this event. There is no fee, other than the need to have a state park sticker. The trip is limited to 25, and as of today, they still had over a dozen spaces left. I tentatively reserved just 3 spaces which will need to be confirmed by next Friday.
Meet up to carpool to the event at 10:30 am Saturday, March 2 at the Roseville REI.
Please let me know if you have registered, and are planning to carpool.
Things to bring:
–the park will provides registrants with free use of traditional (high flotation) snowshoes and they recommended using these vs. the more technical/modern trail hiking snowshoes, but you can bring
snowshoes if you have them for possible hiking/exploring after the event
–water, snacks
–money for sharing gas and park sticker expenses and for optionally stopping for a meal on the return trip