- Estimated Cost: $15
- Deposit: $15
- Max Trip Size: 23 people
Let’s visit Sibley State Park on the last weekend of September on its 100-year anniversary.
I have reserved Group Camp #2 from Thursday to Sunday, Sept. 26-29. We’ll be on the east side of a small lake with a fishing dock. Our site is marked “P2” on the PDF map you can download from the park’s website.
The park is roughly 2 hours 15 minutes from Minneapolis if you don’t stop. There are a variety of activities so you’re bound to find things to do.
Hiking: The park has 18 miles of hiking trails, with the highlight being a 200-foot elevation gain hike to the top of Mt. Tom and its overlook tower.
Biking: The Glacier Lakes State Trail is 5.5 miles away with a trailhead at Veteran’s Memorial Park New London. The park recommends driving to New London rather than biking from the state park. Ice cream: New London–The Deep Freeze; Spicer–Dairy Queen. https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_trails/glacial_lakes/index.html
Paddling: The park has three lakes connected by two short portages that should make for fun paddling. Off-season canoe/kayak rental MAY be available through the park office.
Socializing: Goat Ridge Brewery https://www.goatridgebrewing.com; Model Citizen Restaurant https://www.iammodelcitizen.org; New London Fall Festival http://www.willmarlakesarea.com/events/new-london-fall-festival-4/
Bowling & Pizza: Alley on Ash https://www.facebook.com/Alleyonash/
Glacial Ridge Winery (open Noon-9 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28) http://www.glacialridgewinery.com
Meals: On your own, but we can plan to a potluck one night if there is interest. I plan to bring a stove, water jug, and dishwashing station/equipment.
Cost: $15/person (3 nights camping and firewood). I have Paypal if you want to pay in advance and reserve your spot.
I will provide everyone access to a Google spreadsheet for listing participant emails and phone numbers, and arranging carpools.
You must be a member of Minnesota Rovers to go on this trip (see https://mnrovers.org/sign-up/).